Zombie Club NFT – All you need to know about The Zombie Club NFT

Zombie Club NFT - All you need to know about The Zombie Club NFT
Zombie Club NFT - All you need to know about The Zombie Club NFT


Is the Zombie Club NFT worth buying??


Welcome to Kafy Crypto and today we’ll be emphasizing more on the Zombie Club NFT.


Discover all you need to know about the trending Billionaire Zombie Club NFT and how worth-buying it is.

The Zombie Club NFT is garnering a lot of NFT enthusiasts’ attention because of the idea of Metaverse with NFT.

There has been a variety of conditioning regarding Zombie Club NFT and most NFT Hodlers are all eager to know further about the NFT project and Zombie Club Token. Hence, I’ll be giving you more insight into the details of Zombie Club NFT and its token in this well-packaged article.


Table Of Content

  • What is Zombie Club NFT
  • Zombie Club NFT Price
  • BZC Metaverse NFT Ecosystem
  • Zombie Club Rarity
  • Zombie Club Token
  • Is The Zombie Club NFT worth buying
  • Where to buy the BZC
  • Conclusion


What Is Zombie Club NFT??

Zombie Club NFT is the major digital art of the Billionaire Zombies Club, the Billionaire Zombies Club is creating a metaverse erected upon an ecosystem of NFT gaming characters, particulars, and tokens.


 The Billionaire Zombies Club started as a collection of ERC- 721 generative art profile picture (PFP) NFTs on the Polygon Network. Tokenizing allows unborn minting, as well as gameplay guests and prices within the BZC ecosystem to use the $BZC mileage token.

The one development platoon brings to life- art in a 3D metaverse social Game terrain. 


 This Universe is scalable and effective, powered by its polygon $BZC token, and governed by the Billionaire Zombies Club DAO, LLC. A Wyoming DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).


What is the Zombie Club NFT Price??


Shawn Yue, The founder of the Zombie Club NFT said that, it’s a matter of fate to meet his favorite collectibles, and his consideration for collectibles isn’t based on value – added, but a particular preference. He’s awarded with excellence and creativity. 


Taking zombies and Frankenstein as his creative generalities, he issued his own NFT series Zombie Club Token. The mint price is 0.666 ETH, and the current bottom price is 1.84 ETH, with an aggregate of 6,000 tokens. The design contains 9 race characters, each race has different attributes.


BZC Metaverse NFT Ecosystem


The Billionaire Zombies Club Ecosystem is a Play to Earn Metaverse game that was spawned from the original 10k PFP Mint. To have a fair launch, the one Dev team used the original 10k zombie collection as donors for the Genesis tokens drops and blessed the community with fresh drops of NFTs.


These drops are intended toward awarding the community contributors, early believers in the design, HODLers, and community members to reward them for their energy, bent, and value to the design.

Erecting a resembling system for records and accounts of both BZC balances and NFTs being brought to life in the design metaverse alongside the Game allows the platoon to develop and apply snappily without compromising security to the storeroom or community. 


Game relations will be blockchain- eased peer- to- peer engagements with fresh price pools created by the storeroom. By allowing users to mint ecosystem NFTs in $BZC, there’s immediate mileage and value across our ecosystem.


Zombie Club Rarity


NFT Rarity is a free tool furnishing you with a detailed list of the most popular collections’ means with their associated rarities.

As of this writing the Billionaire Zombie Club design had around $800,000 in daily trading volume over the last week and boasts an approximate total asset value north of $25,000,000.


This groundbreaking profile picture art grounded community vended out of their original immolation of unique art pieces in lower than 9 days veritably still in an assiduity known for high profile tale juggernauts. Billionaire Zombie Club cut through the noise and since the release of the digital means, the values being offered and accepted are over 500 of the original means minting prices. A trade was lately executed for 2.5 Ethereum or roughly 28X the mean’s formed value. The Billionaire Zombies Club has surpassed 145 ETH in trading volume as the design continues to evolve from a hobby to an entrepreneurial bid.


Rarity is calculated using the Rarest Properties Ranking system. Algorithms and rankings can evolve over time so (DYOR) DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH before copping an asset grounded on rarity.

Zombie Club Token


Zombie Club Token is the utility token  form on Polygon blockchain for the Billionaire Zombie Club ecosystem; the ecosystem may mint through theBillionaireZombies.com new Metaverse means with $BZC tokens.


In the Metaverse game, these means can be used by their possessors. In the One on One format, the Zombies enter a smart contract commerce within the game where they both stake into the prize pool with a winner-take-all format. Multiplayer game fees are paid to Skeleton lords who run a smart contract- grounded liquidity pool to pay out algorithmically based on winners.


Is The Zombie Club NFT worth buying?


Zombie Club NFT, which is the major artwork of the Billionaire Zombie Club ecosystem, is an NFT with a great rarity because of the products of the BZC ecosystem which bring utility/mileage cases to Zombie Club NFT and Zombie Club Token.



Where Can I  Buy The BZC(Billionaire Zombie Club)?

Each zombie has its own unique and rare traits that allow possessors to respect the beauty and luxury of their zombies. The Billionaire Zombies Club NFTs can be viewed in an online gallery on the club website at milliardairezombies.club/ gallery. Callers can also see the colorful characteristics of the NFTs, including backgrounds, skin, eyes, mouth, and outfits.


Billionaires Zombies Club NFTs were posted on the Polygon blockchain to avoid high ETH gas freights(fees) for miners and community members.


When going for Cryptocurrency/Metaverse projects of any kind, it’s advisable you do an underground research to know the authenticity of what you’re going into.


Still, it is not financial/fiscal advice to buy The Zombie Club NFT as this article is mainly for instructional purposes only, it shouldn’t be considered investment advice.

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